Approval for Listed cottage extension

A small Listed Cottage in Gwynedd was denied permission to extend on the grounds that it would double the size of the property and thereby harm the character of the original building.

The Architect advised that Owen Devenport be instructed to conduct an appeal and the company were duly retained to act on the applicant's behalf.

The scheme would indeed double the size of this modest building with a contemporary glass link separating the 'new' from the 'old'.

It was an ambitious scheme but it was our opinion that it made a clear statement through preserving in its entirety the existing cottage but then allowing it to be a viable proposition through a modern extension.

The Planning Inspector felt that there would be a significant risk that if an extension is not built then the Listed Building would fall into disuse and disrepair at some time in the future. We were also given the opportunity to prove that the existing building could not be used as holiday accommodation because of its size, let alone a permanent residence.

The Inspector agreed with our arguments and a delighted client has now received planning permission and Listed Building consent for this extension, with details of the glass link reserved for future approval.



Open Countryside argument quashed


Imperial Hotel Colwyn Bay